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Elyse Werling -- Volunteer Foster and Cat Adoption Coordinator
Post Date:
Monday, August 2, 2021
Growing up on a small farm in Indiana meant I was surrounded by animals my entire childhood. I grew up in a “cat family” and had several kitties in my home along with many goats, chickens, dogs, and other kitties on the farm.
Melissa Aten -- Volunteer Puppy Adoption Coordinator and Screener
Post Date:
Monday, July 5, 2021
I’m pretty sure my journey into rescue started before I was born. As long as I can remember, I wanted to save all the dogs I saw, because I always felt so good and peaceful when a pup was around. I drove my parents crazy with the constant begging and pleading for a dog. In 8th grade, all the students had to pick a charity to volunteer with, and, I chose an animal rescue, of course. That’s when the campaign for what would be a second pup became much more serious and targeted, complete with letter writing campaigns.
Kallie Brennan -- Lucky Dog's Program Manager for Adoptions and Events
Post Date:
Monday, May 31, 2021
I have been an animal lover since a very young age! There has always been a dog in my home since I was a baby. As soon as I was old enough, I started looking for ways to help animals in need. I was too young to handle dogs or work in the shelters, but I volunteered at local adoption events back home in Baltimore and loved spending time with the animals. When I went to college, I found another organization that invited local university students to come let the dogs out of their kennels and take them for walks.
Rachel Dailey -- Volunteer Adoption Coordinator and Foster
Post Date:
Monday, May 3, 2021
As a child, I never had dogs because my mom was allergic to them. I always knew as soon as I graduated from college and moved into my own place I was going to adopt. Shortly after moving out I started looking at the local animal shelter for an animal to adopt, but I hadn’t clicked with one just yet. I was following an animal rescue foundation in Aruba on Instagram for the past few years, so I started to look more into their mission and adoptable dogs.
Shortly after we were married, my husband and I rescued a dog via Pen Pals, a program that connects local area rescue dogs with inmates at Virginia correctional centers to train and socialize dogs in need of adoption, while also providing rehabilitation and life skill development opportunities for inmates. It is a wonderful program that we were happy to support and were thrilled to start our family together with Shoney, a well-behaved and sweet pup. Four kids quickly followed to complete our competitive and fun-loving family - Shoney was a lucky dog surrounded by lots of love.
Abby Berger -- Lucky Dog Youth Program and Social Media Team Lead Volunteer and Adopter
Post Date:
Sunday, February 28, 2021
As we approach the one-year mark of the global pandemic upending our lives, it’s inevitable to reflect on this turbulent period and grasp for any silver linings. While many changes from our pre-Covid routines that were initially a welcome change — like working from home and having more time to cook — have lost their shiny appeal, there is one undisputable fact: our pets and the quality time we’ve been able to spend with them has been a gift. For me, that’s my Lucky Dog, Pugsley.
Kimberly Richmond – Lucky Dog Adopter, Posh Pets Owner
Post Date:
Monday, December 7, 2020
Many people think that humans are the ones who rescue pets, but I say it’s the other way around. I grew up in Mexico City where sadly stray animals are the “norm”. That said, I come from a long line of animal lovers and I swear animals can sense this. My pets have taught me that if you only focus on the destination (whatever that destination is), you’ll miss out on all the lessons and experiences along the way.
Julie Brooks -- Program Manager for Volunteers and Data Integrity
Post Date:
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
My family says that I always wanted to rescue and save animals. I don't really remember that. I remember the incident with the caterpillar when I was seven or eight. We were traveling somewhere in the car and I had Butch, the caterpillar, with me. Butch got away from me and I made my dad pull over. Dad had to take out the back seat to find him. Apparently, while we were pulled over on the side of the road, a police officer stopped by and asked what was going on. Again, I don't remember that.
Jillian Wiegel -- Mandy Devine Volunteer Team Lead
Post Date:
Monday, October 5, 2020
I began my journey with Lucky Dog Animal Rescue as a foster parent in March, right as quarantine started. My husband and I already had one dog, Pooks, and figured we could open our home to one more dog! We spoke with Lorenna and went through the Foster Screening process - I was so worried something would go wrong and we would not be able to give our love to another puppy! Thankfully, we passed all of the tests and it was time to try finding a pup.
Kami Fitzpatrick -- Volunteer Liaison, Foster, Adopter and More!
Post Date:
Monday, August 31, 2020
I started volunteering with Lucky Dog over a year ago. At that point in my life I was looking to do something good that made me happy. I was volunteering with another organization at the time but noticed that the volunteers were not happy, and that it was starting to rub off on me. That is when I decided to volunteer where people are happy and immediately thought of animal rescue.