Looking for a fun and exciting way to celebrate a special occasion or a great employee team building event? Host a Lucky Pup Party! For either a donation or a sponsorship opportunity we will bring Lucky Pups to your home or your office for a 1.5 hour Lucky Pup event or a 45 minute virtual Lucky Pup event. Birthdays, Pizza Parties, Yoga Events, Weddings and much, much more! De-stress and enjoy puppy kisses! Lots of possibilities!
From A Lucky Dog Partner, The Keri Schuler Team:
Lucky Dog Pup Parties:
To schedule your Lucky Pup Party please email: melissa.webster@luckydoganimalrescue.org.
For increased business visibility and marketing opportunities, please ask us about sponsorship opportunities.
Lucky Dog Animal Rescue is a non-profit, volunteer-powered organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of abandoned and stray dogs and cats. Since 2009, Lucky Dog has rescued over 25,000 Lucky Dogs and Cats.